Thursday, June 28, 2007


Just some odds and ends here. I've been eating up leftovers, so I don't have any recipes for today. I did manage to fact-check (ie, I was in Safeway) some things from before. Capers work out to about 18¢ for a teaspoon, so I guess a rounded teaspoon of the little guys for my salade nicoise would be about 25¢. Olives cost more - maybe 50¢ needed for a salad.

I found a blog very similar to mine (she even gets her produce from Terra Firma Farm, too!):
...and she has a recipe for pickled carrots, so maybe I'll try that out and see how it works.

I managed to finish building, filling, and seeding my third raised vegetable bed yesterday. Basil, green beans, eggplant, raddishes and sunflowers are on their way (I hope). This bed is following the advice from the popular "Square Foot Gardening" book.

We all have our guilty pleasures for food. One of mine are the 10-pack bags of frozen burritos. $3.50 for ten of them means I have a quick and ready snack for work. In a few days I'm going to make up a batch of my own, and see how they compare for price, easy, and freezability. Either way, a 35¢ burrito is hard to beat.