Monday, July 2, 2007

Cucumber on $6.60/hour

If I were on Food Stamps, would I have time to compose a blog? In 1993, when I was living in South Dakota and surviving on Food Stamps, I had time to write a small zine. I had time to check email. I had time to bake my own bread.

Currently, an idividual can earn up to $817, and a family of two can earn up to $1100 to get the maximum allotment of Food Stamps. (Those numbers are the "poverty line" as determined by the US Government.) That means one person earning $6.60/hour (40 hour week) for the family of two. Well, that leaves the other person not working, and one person -me!- at home with time to cook and grow the garden.

I'm not assuming anything here - I just wanted to run the numbers and see if it could be possible. (I would not be able to afford to pay my mortgage though, so I wouldn't be living here.)

Today we harvested our first cucumber - yay! I'm half way through the Square Foot Gardener and the seedlings in the new bed are popping up. More food on the way.

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